How to Identify Dental Disease in Pets

How to Identify Dental Disease in Pets

Dental disease is one of the top health problems pets face according to Today’s Veterinary Practice. Most pets show few signs, resulting in it being the most undertreated disease in pets. Owners must monitor their pets for signs of dental disease and schedule regular exams. Contact a local small animal clinic, like the Veterinary Medical Center of Hardeeville to schedule an appointment for dental care.

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Physical Changes

Some signs of dental disease are easy to observe and obvious like teeth that are broken, missing, loose, or discolored. Red, bleeding gums can point to dental disease. Your pet may have ropey or bloody saliva or visible tartar and plaque.


Other Changes

While a missing tooth is an obvious sign that something is wrong with your pet’s dental health, other symptoms can point to dental disease. If your pet has facial swelling, bad breath, or increased saliva or nasal discharge, they may have dental problems.


Behavior Changes

Observing your pet’s behavior can show signs of dental disease. If your pet becomes irritable and refuses to play, they could be experiencing discomfort or pain. A sudden lack of appetite or weight loss, but also a change in eating habits including dropping food are all signs of dental disease. If your pet experiences anxiety at vet trips, the Veterinary Medical Center of Hardeeville can help.


Dental Care

Dental care is important for everyone. You can brush your pet's teeth, provide dental chew toys, and feed them a healthy diet. Your local small animal vet can help you with dental care and conduct routine preventative appointments.

Dental disease is a common and undertreated problem for our pets. It can be prevented or treated early with the help of regular dental checkups that include dental exams, oral health assessments, x-rays, teeth cleaning, and hygiene counseling. Reach out to schedule an appointment with the experienced professionals at the Veterinary Medical Center of Hardeville.